Thursday, April 4, 2019



1. 多点时间陪着家人;或
2. 出外打拼,让他们过好一点的生活?

Friday, May 13, 2011


Thank you my classmates for celebrating my birthday~ ^^~

We celebrated at Chili's KLCC~ Yeah~ One of my favorite restaurant~
This time I got  a bag as my birthday gift.
Thank you and I will appreciate it~ It's useful~
Actually they bought me a bag because they said my old bag very ugly and terrible, so they decided to give me a new and nice one~ @.@
I really like it~ Thank you very muchie~ ^^~
Oh ya, they bought me a chocolate cake~ Yeah, I like it~ ^^~

Another BirthDay's Celebration...
Thank you my ex-classmates celebrating my birthday... (Foundation classmates and new friends- Shannyoon, YuXuan, ChongJin, Hoey)

This celebration was surprised! Really surprised~ ^^~

My birthday was after CNY this year~ 
Annchen, our tai ka jie~ She called me to go her house to gamble with ex-classmates... Without any noticed, I went there and gamble with them~ 
Once after gamble and I am keeping the cards and moneys... They shut down all light and at that moment i wanted to scold people why shut down the light~ Mana tau they brought a cake out from kitchen and sang birthday song~ 
Aiyoyoyo~ That time my emotion was fluctuated... From the bottom to the top... ( Angry- surprised) Hahahahaha~ I almost cry that time~ Aiya~ I don't know how to express it~

And they gave me a boxer as gift with many many bananassssssss on it~ Wuahahahahaha~ They wanted me to wear it on the spot~ LOL~ 
A bit Paiseh~ ^^~

Btw, I really thank you all~ Gave me unforgettable birthday~ ^^~

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


It's really a long time that i didn't post anythings. I think since last year September till now, and this will be my first post for 2011 as well.

Within these periods, for sure there are a lot of joys, happiness, satisfactions and enjoy moment as well as sadness, disappoint, complexity and angriness. Let me list out the most highlighted things within these periods.

1. My grandfather passed away...
My granddad passed away on December. That day morning, my cousin sms-ed me and told me that granddad was passed away and once I received it, i straight called her and ask the details. She broke down and cried. She can't properly answer my questions and doubts. That time my p.s. actually told me that was not a joke. I quickly settle my school things like apply holidays and photostat notes for all my classmates (Thai- language). After that, i straight packed my belongings and went back home with public transport (Bus, LRT, KTM). On the way going back where my granddad staying which is my hometown, the situation inside my car was horrible since was my dad's dad. As a son, I don't know what should i said in order to comfort him. But, I can feel his sadness through his expression. 

Once we reached there, my family and i had to crawled into the house because the moment that my granddad passed away, we not at home. This is the rule that has to follow in order (pantang). Once we crawled till my granddad's body, we cried. I totally broke down~ He was cold and can't answer me already. I kept " Ah Gong, Ah Gong" but, he was dead~ We organised the funeral for about 6 days due to the reason that "好日子"...

He really dote me... I remember got 1 time, I am going back Sekinchan and he by that day prepared a duck for me as dinner. He said like this, "the ducks were fighting, very noisy, so eat jor it lar..." Actually this was the excuse he gave yet I felt warm in deep heart~ Every time I backed Sekinchan, he surely will fetch me back our old home (Site A). I said I fetch you, but he always rejected me~ I had to sit at the back yet i felt another warmness as well. Got 1 time in late night, he also fetched me back. As we all know, the ways back to Site A is damn dark and hazardous, but yet he still came and fetch me back. My second uncle actually gave me his car keys for me to back home, he kept saying no need as he can fetch me back. That moment, i also can't reject as he so insisted.

Really miss him right now... His number still in my phone contact list... When i browsing the contact list, the 2nd number is him~ I call now also can't hear his voices already~ T.T~

The day before he die~ He still look healthy here~ I really can't imagine and full of wonder why the next day he left us just like that~ T.T

Friday, September 24, 2010

Blogggggggging time~

Finally the exam finished already~ 2 weeks lacked of sleep, lacked of rest~ now can sleep bao bao already~ This time de exam can consider what leh? Haiz... Don't even know when the result out~

Right after Professional Practice 1, i lacked of motivation... The subjects that exam later were just briefly see through only~ no memorize nor understand~ Really not prepare then went in the exam hall~ Cant imagine what result will be out~ I always last minute study then burnt mid night oil and finally blank when in exam hall~ I think this habit cant be changed~

Tuesday night, i send one of my friends-Siew Yong to England~ Right after exam, i rushed there... Luckily still got bus available~When came to KLIA, i felt strange may be  me long time no sit aeroplane already~ ... Don't know why~

Friday night was our birthday bash and gathering as well~ This time quite big gang~ Around 40 person joined~ However, there was incidents happened~ Sad for that~ And so sorry...

Friday, August 27, 2010


Week 14 we totally don't have any classes... Even week 13... just some revision classes... Haha... These revision classes really helpful in term of tips... Our PP tutor had given us a lot of tips that related to final exam and she had narrow the scope... If not, we will study a lot lor... Roughly 300 pages and need to memorize all that... Haiz... Can't imagine if need to memorize...

Thursday after class, we got a lot of people went to match spec... At genting Klang... Munhoe finally go and match 1 already since he being pursued by Karmarn... He matched a pair of spec quite nice... Me too... Me de they told me that very "shi wen". Don't know leh... But i very scare new spec de as the degree or power cant adapt for that... Hope this time wont happened lar... Pray that... Haha...Thursday night, i learnt how to make MoonCake... But is bing pi(冰皮). Haha... Actually the steps do the mooncake quite easy... Just need some hearts... Haha... Now i realized that MoonCake really mahal lor... Long time no eat mooncake don't know mooncake price mahal.... Haha...

Friday, me damn boring... Nothings to do at home... Haha... i want find someone to chat, but no people online... They all go wet jor... Some shopping, some cheong K, some movies... Ish~~ Just me at home stay... Guai Zai leh... Haha... Friday night, again... I followed Dad played badminton... Hehe... Actually, suppose i cannot go de as my leg hurt and hand sprain haven recover... But, i want to try to over my limit... The result is cant~~ Failed... Leg lagi pain, hand lagi sprain... I got a lot of mistakes... Haiz... Semakin noob~~

 Saturday morning, too early woke up...Nothings to do... Haha... Online lor... No people online then watch drama, but the drama i watched finish jor... Haiz... Nothings to do, then blogging lar... Hehe~~

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Recently, we quite crazy for LAMI(a type of gamble). Hehe... Since most of the assignments and presentations finished already~ Past Sunday we played until 2am, however we yumcha till 5am. We talked a lot there... The kaki are MunHoe, Kent, Karmarn, Zack and me~ We 5 talk talk talk non-stop. I get a lot of news through this yumcha section. Like what my friend told:"完美的东西难免一定会有缺陷". We have to accept it~

Monday was my classmates birthday celebration~ChingYan, happy birthday ya~ Planning is very important,and i am still learning how to plan~ Its really hard to plan~ I have to lie to him from the beginning until he know we celebrate with him~ Haha... Our plan is like tis, we all gather at his house-Genting Court. And we go up together. I was the person to call him out from his house then give him surprise~ Haha... As he came out from his house, we sing SONG~ After that, we went to MicHi to have dinner... The dishes quite nice, but during the process of ordering, somethings happened. I don't like how the person act~ Can you just shut up? you don't want not mean all people have to follow you~ If you got that pandai complain, you come and order lar... May be next time wont call him out already~ First time like this, second time also like this~ ISH~ I gave face to birthday boy only~ if not, hng~ wuahahahahahahahahah~

Today went play badminton again~ Actually initially my "fong" not bad... hehe~ played quite excited. But last match, my hand sprain half ways~ shit~ I cant use energy already... Once i use, my elbow there will like got a lot of needles cucuk~SAKIT... i think i need time to recover~ Today quite bad luck... We played half way, but the electric supply cut off... Initially we thought was the fuse of the court burnt, but the truth was that all TBR no electric supply that time... SWEAT~ Luckily after few minutes the electric supply came back~ If not i will scold TNB... HAHAHAHAHAHA...

After badminton, we went to Klang to enjoy our dinner- Bat Kut Teh~ Hehe... This plan was suddenly planned by Khaisen... I just followed his car. Karhong also drove a car~ We total 10 person went Klang just for that Bat Kut Teh... Now flash back also a bit ridiculous... Haha... Like what i wrote up there, really bad luck~ The shop that taste very nice closed~ haiz... Then, we turned here and there, only found 1 shop that open at night~ No care three seven twenty one... We ate there... Luckily not bad~ I still cant adapt to the kering 1... i prefer basah 1... Hehe... Bat Kut Teh got 2 types - 干 和 湿. Haha...Kering is like 宫保。 Basah like normal that we eat lar... Hehe... KarHong ate 4 plates of Nasi lor... he really geng~ After that, we went to I-city~ Really nice there... Now got spot light some  more... it has make the environment better... Really nice... Next time bring my family there walk walk... Again, we all took a lot of photos there..Hehe... Waiting Esther to upload it... Fast ya Esther.. Haha... After that, we went to PJ and yumcha at SS2 Murni... Haha... Actually we went there just had drinks and chat a lot as well... Played small games as well~ and SHIT, tmrw i will sing in class as i promised them if they create a lyric for me... and they managed to do so... Haiz... Tmrw i sore throat lar... Hehe... then no need sing~ Hope so~

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Once we entered year 2, we played badminton regularly... Almost once per week~ Haha~ Played so many badminton, got slim ma? No at all, even fatter~ May be after badminton, the stomach hungrier then eat more ba~ Haha...

Today we played badminton~ Haha~ Nice game and quite crowded~ There are 11 people playing that time~ Last half an hour can be the climax for whole day~ Me partner with Leonard, Kent with Munhoe and Charles with Chingyan... Really nice game~ Shyiok~  Enjoyed it~

Yesterday night, my cousin asked me out and he told me that got somethings to share with me~ I sensed somethings related to Direct sale and yet he really introduced me some plan that confirmed can earn money~ USaNa~ Anyone know this? But at the end, i rejected him~ I don't want to join~ There are a lot of reasons, but i don't know how to state it out~ I think let time to let him know what he doing is correct or not~ Once i wanted to back home~ My mum called me and told me that Grandma in wad now~ She have to stay there for few days for checkup~ She vomited for 3 days, and she told us that her stomach like roller coaster... She still can joke with us~ =.=''... Hope she can recover soon~ 

Want go shopping already~ haha~ Finding someone to go with me~ I don't have the list what to buy~ May be just go there and shop ba~^^... But for sure i want to buy a pencil case, bag, and pants~ and may be some necessaries and those things with special offer~ ^^

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Haiz~ This semester consider as busy or free??! As compare to the previous semester, this semester got a lot of presentations, assignments and tests~ Sometime, i being bored by these and 麻木 already...  Really hope that after next week will be more relax and free as well... Next Monday and Friday will have another tests... 

I want to sing K... i know that my singing not that good, but i just like to sing~ haha... You all say my singing very terrible but i do enjoy singing~ ^^... i don't care what your critics or what~*Blek* Hehe... But, i really envy those guys that can sing well while i cant~ T.T... 

Actually everyday, i go school with a very happy mind~ Because i believe start of everyday is a good day~ but,sometime when go school, there will people to spoil my mood... May be for whole day~ The people you all know lar~ No need me to mention him or her~ May be i need to control myself for the mood not being spoiled by the people... i have to increase my temperament( 气质)... got any methods recommend? My friend told me learn music may be is the way... is it?

I saw many couples recently~ Not new, but just don't notice it only~I saw few different kinds of couples... One of the couples is kira kira type... They very clear the fees, moneys all that... Count very clearly... even cents... Another pair is boy give type... what i mean here is whatever things are being paid by the guy... The girl no need to pay anythings as she go out with her BF... Ask you guys, you prefer which types of couple?! What i can say different people different views... No wrong or correct de... But, my suggestion is must have coordination between and can you afford that... If can, then no problem... If really cant, don't force yourself n make yourself suffer so lot~

Recently, i am quite close with Chingyan (Classmate)... He told me a lot bout his relationship's things... I am just be a listener~ sometime he need my advices, but i also don't know how to help him and cant give him any~ i feel so sorry to him~ He really helped me a lot~ I tried to help him also but failed~*Guilty*... The advice that i can give him is “拿得起,放得下"... This sentence i learned from a book... It's really easy to state, but hard to do so~ Me experience that before~ May be time is the best medicine for everything....

At home really make me feel relax and rejuvenating... Home sweet home~ My grandma at my home now~ She is sicked... I am pain when i saw her so suffer~ She cough till wake up from bed during mid-night... My grandma love me a lot since young... She took good care of me... Many people asked why i am so homesick~ i don't answer their question~ Just keep quiet... If she not sicked, for sure she will cook for me and try to cook some my favorite foods... As she sicked, I have to cook for her~ If i not at home, who else will cook for her~ yesterday, i cooked for her... She praised me, i am damn happy~ All that are worth for that praise~

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Am i really free?! Actually not, still got 1 more test, quiz and assignment... This semester really tiring~ Need to do many self reading, prepare this, widen my range of thinking, etc... I twisted my brain a lot and my white hair become more and more... On top of that, due to the assignments and presentations, my exercise become less hence my weight gained~ ish~ Haha...May be i can use these few free weeks to exercise such as jogging, swimming, and badminton...

As now we are in Year 2, our relationship become closer and closer... What i mean is the friendship~ I get close to some friends that not that close as previous... Now, we all like 1 big gang already... I like this feeling... We celebrated someone birthday together, went to Melacca together and yamcha together too... This semester, i gained a lot of first time. For instant, went to McD bulatan pahang to study... I did enjoy this...

I worked for PC Fair again~ Same company- ACER... 3 days, i sold about 20+ laptops, 7 desktops, few monitors... Honestly, if you try to hard sale and hardworking, you can sell a lot... But if you compare with other company such as toshiba... then you will feel very unfair~ Toshiba you just need to sell bout 10 pieces then salary will be same as you sold 20+ laptops... Their commissions higher~ No need compare lar...Again, i am leader for this PcFair also... This time my members really troublemaker, not like previous~ Previous less problems and quite coordinated... Haiz... this time de really make me in trouble... Got 1 member sick then no come already... got 1 more is straight away find someone to replace her after 1st day... She told me that worked at Pc Fair is tiring... Please... which job you can easy to earn the salary... Ish~ then got another one 1st day come then 2nd day ask other people come... the people then sleep inside toilet... I cant even find him in few hours. Then got another 2 girls, their basic knowledge about the computer really low, but they willing to learn... I proud of them as well... they sold quite lot however cant hit my own target- total 150 pieces... In 3 days, we just sold 90 pieces... still far to reach my targets... Nvrm... Pc Fair really a great experiences... In these short periods, i saw a lot of type of people, character as well~ Haha... Have to communicate differently  with different customers~

Long time no go for shopping already... As PTPTN out already, i think i will go and buy some shirts to motivate myself or take it as presents for myself for this semester~ Haha...*craps*... Like what classmates told me, my wearing style just one kind and have to change it~ i hope that i can change that as well... hehe... Trying my best actually~ They told me that my wearing should be more and more 层次~ what to do with all those?! haha... Simple is the best for me~

Hahaha, that's all for this blog... Next blog i will talk more ya...

Friday, July 23, 2010

Boring Subject- Economic for Construction Industry

She really is a "KILLER"... Why? 
Here is it...

Weeks 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, we need to submit written assignments and oral presentation.

Weeks 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, we need to sit for quizzes.
That 2 stuff are not serious matter actually.

Everytime when we need to submit assignment, we need to do a presentation on it. That's still ok but it's a bit too over.. Individual report but we need to do presentation in group. Worse thing is we cannot have the same point as the previous group that have presented that particular point. Means the later u do your presentation, the more dangerous u are. That is really unfair coz sometimes we cannot choose to present first as she always loves to set HER RULES. The group that present later will be redo most of the time and present it again next tutorial although they well prepared. Damn pity.

I believe that it is our responsibility to do readings before her lecture but my question is, how the hell should be spend time on reading the topics as she gave us so much work? She really thinks that we got no other subject and assignments to do? Another matter is there are only plenty of copies of the main text in the library. How the hell should all of us get the chance to read it?? She really thinks that we can wait there one by one to read that books. 

In class she LOVES to call people to stand up, and to answer her questions. Sometimes after we answer correctly, she would not allow us to sit until she nod her head. Come on, we are there for lecture, not Q&A session.. Even if it's Q&A session, we are the one should ask her coz we paid her to answer us. The only answer that she will give us is GO GOOGLE IT. Hello, I'm paying u RM895 to GOOGLE EVERYTHING myself?? In addition, inside google got a lot of versions about the economic stories, and which 1 should us believe? We really have no idea how to find the exact informations that she want. When we choose the one that we think correct, then she will argue it back. Haiz. Speechless.

During presentations, asking presenters questions is normal. The problem with her is if u know how to answer 1st question, she will keep asking the following questions until U CANNOT ANSWER her question. And sometime she was wrong but she can argue back.She is kind of insulting us as our English is not good. And she said well done but the score just bout 45/100. I cant imagine how she give the marks.

In class, she loves to drag her stories to other unrelated topic. For instant, she will talk about how her mother teach her and how she teaching her son as well. Sometime, she is comparing her Form 2 son with us and said: "even my son in secondary school also know how to answer these question, how come you all cannot. He just a secondary student." Ya lar, ya lar... i know your son ExPERT lar. SHIT. And, she told us that she wont change her style of teaching and will teach us like how her mother teach her. OMG! 

She doesn't want to show us presentation slide, neither giving us the soft copy nor the hard copy. I mean if u do not like to teach just let us know what is being covered la. The prob is even if she shows her powerpoint slides, there is no main point in it. Sometimes we don't even know what the hell is she trying to mean. She will talk and talk and then laugh herself. She is too over excited, super syok sendiri. And she might be thinking that her English is really powerful and she LOVES to slang it in a very very weird way. Come on, neither the English nor the American speaks that way. 

Everytime when she is in the class she has something fresh to show us. Last week she said that she wanted to sue UTAR as UTAR has sound pollution. Come on, the moment you start to speak, the moment UTAR starts being polluted.

Today, when we entered the class, she asked all the Y2S1 students to stand. Then Y2S2 students to stand while Y2S1 to be seated. Then Y2S1 + Y2S2 to stand. I was sitting in the 2nd row from the front, she asked us (1st and 2nd row) to shift to the back while the last 2 rows took over our place. Once we settled down on the last 2 rows, she asked the 2nd last row to move back to the front. And this continued for 10 to 15 minutes and she only started her 1 hour lecture at 11.20pm, which was supposed to start at 11.00pm. Due to what she did at the earlier part of the lecture, she ended her lecture 15-20 minutes late and made our next lecturer to wait outside the class for no reason. 

Why is UTAR hiring this witch to be one of its lecturer?